prof. dr Gordana Ristovska

prof. dr Gordana Ristovska

Institut za javno zdravlje Republike Sjeverne Makedonije


Medical doctor, specialist in hygiene and environmental health, senior researcher in the field of hygiene and environmental health, Head of Department for food safety in Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia
President of the Management Board of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia
Professor at Faculty of Medicine, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, and Head of the Chair for Hygiene
Editor of the journal Archives of Public Health, available at
She is author of many scientific and professional publications in the journals, book of abstracts, books. Also, she was nominated as a member of national bodies or international working groups, such as the National Council for Food Safety, contact person for risk assessment from the Institute of Public Health with EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) ), member of a working group for the preparation of an action plan for infectious diseases, member of a multi-sectoral working group for self-assessment of the implementation and capacities of the international health regulations in the Republic of North Macedonia.


Jedan zdravstveni pristup u upravljanju zoonozama u Sjevernoj Makedoniji

  • 22 Septembra, 2023
  • 12:30 - 12:45
  • Hotel "Tara", Budva